Back & shoulder Pain,
why weight?
15% off
every product we make!
big discount for 10 days only on the gear you want before price increase
Only Until august 10, 2022

Thank You, SOC!
Thanks for recognizing us with the prestigious 2022 SOC Technical Achievement Award for the Ergorig camera support system amongst all the amazing products presented. This was a great validation for our passion to take care of the health of our fellow camera operators and for sharing our belief that the weight of the camera should never be a discriminating factor of who gets to operate a camera and for how long.
As an expression of our gratitude, we are offering an exclusive 15% discount for all SOC members on all our products including all Ergorig Systems and accessories. You'll find that our commitment to innovative solutions and well being are equally reflected in the Undersling, ZeeGee and AntigravityCam.
Use coupon code SOC15 at checkout only at www.cinemadevices.com/shop to receive your exclusive SOC Member discount!

The Ergorig Camera Support Harness transfers 95% of the weight of your camera and rig - from your shoulders and arms to your waist and legs - eliminating upper body fatigue and pain. Imagine shooting with no stress on your back, shoulders, arms or core, so you can apply all your energy and focus to delivering the perfect shot again and again.
All. Day. Long.

15% off any of our products
available until April 21, 2022
only to SOC members
with coupon code SOC15 at checkout

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Cinema Devices
1431 Truman Street, Unit L
San Fernando, CA 91340
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